Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Petting Zoo

Tonight we opened our own petting zoo. I've never had all 5 pets in the same room before. It was time for a turtle hut cleaning, so tonight they met.


Anonymous said...

Poor Abey, she must need a mate? Old English Sheep Dog! ;-)

Michelle said...

You've got a good start on your own zoo chain, that's for sure.

I think you need some birds and a few fish, though. Need an aviary and aquarium display. Maybe some reptiles, too? ;)

Michelle said...

Er... I guess turtles are technically reptiles. But you need some creepy crawly ones! Perhaps you could bag a millipede or two in the basement, and call it good? hehe.

Jill said...

Another dog? Uhhh, I don't want my animal grocery budget to actually exceed the human budget. AND I have all the shedding I can handle until I acquire a Dyson Animal vacuum!