Saturday, November 8, 2008

Long, cold week

What happened to our beautiful weather??? It's November, that's what! An update on our family for this week.

Nick was glad to wrap up working on a job that was 90 minutes from home. Next week is his week of school, so he can be inside away from the cold weather for a week before reality strikes. A harsh reality. We always hope he can get a job closer to home and he has. This one is only 25 minutes away... but is it worth it? He'll be working at a sewer and sanitation plant- GROSS! Even grosser- they have 45 days to complete the project before the s$!% hits the fan. Apparently the backup tank can only hold 45 days worth of material before the one they are working on will start to fill up. Talk about some incentive to get the job done on time! Of course my medical brain thought of- what if there is a Hepatitis A outbreak and facilities get used more than usual? Uhhh, honey, you better work fast!!!

Zach had a good week. My worst fears that he would never speak are being alleviated everyday. He is successfully putting together two words to indicate a need ("me juice"), a disappointment ("no bike?"), an announcement ("I naughty"), or a denial ("no poop"). Of note, the denial is always false. He also had his two year pictures taken this week. They should be put online soon, so I will publish a link. He did better than I expected (I thought he'd cry and he didn't) but they aren't his best set of pictures ever. Still- it's him, he's cute and that's the whole point.

Bella had a cold and cough this week that rendered her waking up a lot at night and sleeping on mom and dad's floor every night. Her week ended with a little trauma that caused a lot of commotion. Bella fell on the bus after school and got a small cut on her head. Well, heads are very well supplied with blood, so it did create a nasty looking scene. But the commotion comes into play when the bus driver apparently thought she was someone else. The driver radioed to the school to notify another child's mother to meet them in Huxley because of this. Well, this mom goes there and sees her child who is fine. Luckily, we know this mom so she when she realized who was hurt, she brought her to me at work. If this had happened to you or I, we would have left the clinic with a staple in our scalp, but this is Bella. She has a high pitched squeal of fear that shatters people's ear drums and then may ascend into a decibel only heard by dogs. So, it might not heal quite as nicely, but it's under a lot of hair and no one will be the wiser.

Christian is a busy kid this time of year. He has started wrestling practice that goes from after school until 5pm and then 3 nights a week there is an optional practice 630-830pm. On Wednesday nights he has Confirmation class. And we cannot forget his important TV schedule that includes 2 hour wrestling shows on Mondays and Fridays. Conferences are next week so he is pumped for two early dismissals and a day off.

As for me November is going to be a busy month. We are throwing a birthday party for Zach, a birthday party for Nick's mom, and then we are hosting Thanksgiving. I like to organize things, so it doesn't translate into a lot of "work" for me. Both birthday parties are being held at restaurants, so I don't even have to go crazy cleaning until Thanksgiving gets closer. Although, since we are trapped inside this weekend it has occurred to me I could get a head start.

Here's wishing everyone a nice, quiet, warm weekend!

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