Sunday, November 16, 2008

Birthday- Part 2

Today was the party. Zach and his cousin Ethan had a combined party because Ethan's birthday is the 13th and Zach's the 14th. We had it at a pizza place. It was the usual chaos of gathering our kids (my 3 kids, my 2 nieces, my 1 nephew, and Nick's sister's 3 kids- that's 9 right off the bat...) but I think they kids had fun. Thank you to everyone who came to help us celebrate. Zach is actually napping now, but Bella is unpackaging and making sure all the toys work for him. What a nice sister...

1 comment:

Frugal Sara said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZACH!! Maybe we should swap some of our huge pile of toys for some of your huge pile. Hope to see you all soon.