Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sick and tired of being...

sick and tired! Zach is the winner of not feeling well this weekend. Last weekend it was Christian, weekend before that it was me. Oh Spring weather, please hurry up! Zach wanted to be outside all day even though he wasn't feeling well. For the most part he was good. However, he was not very tolerant of me trying to coax smiles out of him. I'd say "Say cheeseburger!" to which his reply was a scowl and "NO CHEESEBURGER!!!" If you click on the picture below you can see his face a little more clearly... Here's high flying Bella...
Do we see some motorcycle modeling in her future? She's got the pose down with no prompting...

She got this bike for her 5th birthday about 9 months ago. At that time she could barely reach the ground. Now she needs a bigger bike!
I know the forecast for tomorrow is rain, but I'm hoping it misses us. Life is so much better with outside time!


Frugal Sara said...

We have spent every possible minute outside this last week!

I love that picture of Zach. I am sooo familiar with that face! Bella looks so big. I miss you guys. We NEED to get together.

Michelle said...

LOLOL! No CHEESEBURGER!!!! Looks like a good day, even with the storm clouds on Zach's face.

I was glad to receive call from work tonight; it gave me a chance to feel the 68 degree weather before it was non-existent.