Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spring Break

And it almost feels like spring! What a wonderful weekend it was! I love the weather. I hope today's sun can tide us over for the next nice day- looks a little gloomy the next few days.

Christian had district wrestling on Saturday. He was feeling sick with a sore throat and headache, but insisted on going. He finished out his season without wavering. Although it has been tough, with only one win, he has not been deterred. I'm very proud of him. Today he was throwing around a baseball with a friend. He told me a few weeks ago he wasn't going to go out for it, but today he gave it a "maybe." I hope he does, it is good for him to stay active. He is still coughing, but feeling better now.

Bella is sad this week- no school! Today while driving to daycare she said "Mom, I just LOVE these pants, because when I sit down, they are capris!" They are not capris, they are just too small! She has gotten so tall this year. She started kindergarten in size 5 and now her 6X's are too short. She is going to be in a 7/8. It's incredible. On another sad "my baby is growing up" note, Bella learned that there are no callapitters in the world, just caterpillars. That was my favorite thing she said like a little kid. Christian always said "butcept" instead of "except" or "but". And Bella's word was callapitters.

Zach is having a great spring. He's learning and talking so much. His new favorites are BIG trucks and motorcycles. Since we live on the truck route in town, he just loves to be outside and see who might drive by. He loves to see all the Abbys (dogs) around town. He is a little bit of a hazard though. Today Nick ran to the store for some charcoal and was gone about 5 minutes. In those 5 minutes Zach disappeared from the backyard (he ran around the entire house!), walked in front of Bella swinging and got clobbered, and then decided to get on a swing himself, but he gave himself too much of a boost, went right over the swing and landed flat on his back. And this was all with my supervision! I had forgotten how different boys are from girls. Crash course 101 tonight- literally.

As for Nick, he enjoyed riding his motorcycle to work today. I always worry about him on the highway, but that is my job, right? Actually I'm hoping he gets a lot of riding time in this spring and summer- maybe buy fall I'll be ready to climb on the back.

I hope everyone is having a good March! I will try to be a better blogger!

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