Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Muffy Ann

The lab results show that Muffy is extremely ill. She is bordering on liver failure and her hemoglobin is very low. The vet was actually surprised she is still alive. He was even more shocked that I have been getting her to eat and that she is using the litter box. We are going back to see him tomorrow morning so he can see her strange walk. He feels very confident that it is not a stroke though, so that was a relief. I think with the lab numbers she has the fact that she is breathing is a positive so he's not going to pick on her walking quite yet.

She is just the sweetest cat anyone could ask for. A blood draw, IV fluids, being syringe fed Cat Ensure against her will, and through it all she just purrs. She hasn't snarled, hissed, or nipped at anyone. I hope she can pull through.

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