Monday, September 29, 2008

Home again, home again

It's good to be home! I arrived shortly after midnight on Saturday night. I, of course, could not resist waking up the kids. While Zach snuggled for quite a while, Bella had a cheery "Hi Mommy!" and Christian mumbled a "hi" before going back to sawing logs- the member of our family most excited about my return was... Abby! She was jumping and wagging her tail and going completely crazy in the middle of the night. I was hoping for that reaction from my kids or husband, but at any rate, it was nice to be missed.

When I got home I found that my favorite kitty, Muffy Ann, has gotten really sick. This morning she was so weak she wasn't able to lift her head. I took her to the vet this morning, he drew blood work and gave her some fluids. She has lost a ton of weight- from 11 pounds to 7 pounds in the past few weeks. The labs will be back tomorrow, so I hope to know more then. He gave me some high calorie food to feed her and I picked up some CatSure (Ensure for cats). She has been eating the food and tolerating me squirting the vitamin drink down her mouth. I hope for good news tomorrow. But she is walking very strangely and I'm a little worried she may have had a stroke. It's so hard to be "medical" and come up with all these horrible thoughts but be rational enough to know I can't afford a CT for my cat. I hope with a little food and fluids we can get her perked up again. Only time will tell...


Michelle said...

Muffy Ann!!! I hope Muffy makes a recovery from her illness. Mom hadn't said a word; and we discussed cat health at length due to Trogdor's newly acquired fleas.

Glad you're home! Have a great week back to "real life."

Unknown said...

Glad you're home, but so sorry to hear about Muffy Ann! Poor baby - I hope she pulls through okay.