Thursday, February 26, 2009

Biggy Boy

Zach was running around sans diaper tonight because he had a little redness I thought could use some air. He said "I go potty?" We headed upstairs, he sat down, and about 3 minutes later he went potty! We were all excited and clapping and cheering for him. Then he wanted to sit on the potty a lot longer, but couldn't understand the lack of cheering when he'd hop down and say "all done" but there wasn't anything in the potty.

I by no means am trying to potty train him- at all- but it did give me some hope that it won't be as bad as I'm dreading!


Frugal Sara said...

That is funny. Drew is doing the same thing. I even put up a potty chart this past week and he has 3 stickers. I am sure it won't last long though. It will be kinda sad to be done with diapers, but it will be great on the ol' budget!

Frugal Sara said...

I was going to tell you also, you are rockin on your diet! Way to go!

Jill said...

Go Drew bug! We have not had anymore repeat successes, but I am totally ok with that.

Thanks for the diet kudos. Somedays I really need them to stay focused!