Tuesday, January 27, 2009

That's MY boy!!!!

Christian won his first wrestling match tonight! Not only did he win, but he won by pinning his opponent!

Last night- getting out from underneath anyway you can- roll! (Christian is on the bottom)

A nearfall last night (Christian is on the top)

It is sooooo hard to watch some stranger push your son's face into the mat!

The meet last week. Christian on the left.

Christian decided last year (6th grade) to start wrestling. At our school wrestling is a big thing. For instance, last night our varsity team beat another team 72 to 0. We won EVERY match. A lot of these kids start wrestling in kindergarten. I warned Christian before he started, it will be rough, because he would have A LOT of catching up to do. I am sooooo proud of him. He did not win any matches last year and so far this year he had not won any. But he has endured and stuck with it and worked hard. And tonight it paid off!


Frugal Sara said...

Awesome. Congrats Christian!

Jake is going to start soccor. He has never played before so it ought to be interesting!

Unknown said...

Good for you Christian!!! I'm proud of you!!

Michelle said...

Yay, Christian! Way to go, bud!!!

Anonymous said...

Rah Yay Christian. You make us proud!!!