Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Eve

Finds us all at home doing nothing tonight.

Zach is passed out cold in bed.
Christian is playing WOW (Worlds of Warcraft).
Nick is playing PS2.
Bella is pleading with Nick to change his game choice to Barbie's 12 Dancing Princesses.
I have been working on Bella's Webkinz character (ie- playing with a 5 year old's website and finding it a challenge...)
Abby is snoring.
Eustace is a perch atop of our clean laundry basket.
Muffy Ann is MIA. Most likely curled up somewhere that no one can bother her.
Turtles are hibernating.

Party animals, eh?

Happy 2009! Hope your 2008 went out as uneventfully as ours!


Michelle said...

Happy New Year!

The girls and I watched "Enchanted" together and it ended 1 minute before midnight. Then we watched the ball drop, had an egg nog "toast"... and went to bed.

Jonathan slept.

Michael's in Polk City playing music video games for about a zillion hours straight.

w00t. We are also party animals!

Michelle said...

Oh, and I forgot to say...


[I play the girls' accounts regularly with the excuse of making Kinzcash for them. :) ]