Friday, October 21, 2011

Comeback? Ha.

And a few days later I will pick up where I left off. Zach is doing much better and hasn't been too much of a bear on the steroids. Tomorrow is the last day of that, whew!

Bella- Bella-Bee has been my low key kiddo so far this year. She LOVES school and adores her teacher this year. Bella is the ultimate big sister. It is hard for me to realize that she is 8 already. Time has flown by so fast. She is still a big fan of shopping (for ANYTHING) and enjoys projects- like sewing or cooking.

Christian- Ah, Christian. He's started out the year rough with a broken ankle and surgery to fix that. This caused him to sit out of his favorite sport- wrestling- after he had a really strong start to his season. Too much time on his hands led him down a shady path for a while, but he has worked hard to turn some things around. He has worked really hard in football this year and is a great defensive guard. He is putting forth a lot more effort in school and is seeing the benefit to that. Slowly, slowly I think he may start to realize his full potential. We have all known it was there for years, but finally, he is starting to BELIEVE!

Nick and I- eh. We work, we clean, we change diapers, go to sports... all those parent things. Nick did graduate from his electrician schooling this summer. I am anxiously awaiting him taking his licensing exam.

This year started out with stress beyond belief. I am happy to report we made it to the "other side" and the view from here is great. We are blessed.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Trying to make a comeback

Well, hello. Long time, no posts. There is something about this last year that has just not been condusive to blogging. Last 12 months in quick review: Bella ear tubes, Zane ear tubes, Christian ankle fracture and surgery, Zane surgery, Nick graduated, we moved (twice), and last but not least--- did you know we have FOUR kids? Whew! To kick things off I'll start with a quick blurb about everyone here:

Zane- This toddler is a ray of sunshine. He can climb ANYTHING. Up until this last weekend you would rarely see him without a smile on his face. Now he has a smile 99% of the time, but has discovered frustration. Zane's current expression of frustration is a squeal/shriek combo with a scowel. We have seen this the most when he tries to take something from you (food, Wii remote, toy) OR when you try to take something from him he shouldn't have (Sharpie, whisk, toilet brush). He is a big little man, working daily on closing the gap between he and Zach on the scales!

Zach- It is so hard to believe he wasn't much older than Zane's age when I started this blog. Now, he is rapidly approaching his 5th birthday! Zach loves preschool and is always excited to arrive there in the morning. Last winter he struggled with a cough off and on and that has began again with the cooler weather. I took him to the office today and he will be trying an inhaler for his lungs during the winter months. Speaking of Zach, he's up from his slumber crying now because he cannot stop coughing. I better go fire up the nebulizer and help a buddy out.

To be continued...

Sunday, July 31, 2011

We are still here

Would you like some cake?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sleepless nights

Between ear infections, stuffy noses, and coughs Zane has had a rough time getting the all night sleeping thing down. After his ear tubes were in he slept great for about two weeks. That was followed by two weeks of terrible nights. He took a little rest and let us have about a week of good sleep and last week the up several times problem returned. And now, after all his pain and suffering, Zane proudly presents... two teeth.

Tooth one is pretty visable, tooth two is in the "Can I feel anything?... Ouch, there it is!" stage.

Sweet dreams little baby...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

2011--- so far!

Adjusting to being a mom of four that works full time isn't as easy as it sounds...

Things have been wild and crazy, but good. In the past few months we have been super busy.

Christian's football season went well. His wrestling season started out great, but came to an abrupt end with an ankle fracture that had to be surgically repaired. He has been bored to death with his cast on since the first week of January. Only 3 more weeks before he's free of it. Of note, this cast has not detered him from ice fishing this winter.

Bella is doing great. She had a fun season of basketball. This spring she has decided to try soccer instead of softball. Then this fall she wants to return to dance class. In December she had to get ear tubes due to some hearing difficulties, but bounced right back from that little procedure.

Zach, well, he's a 4 year old boy. He spends his day playing with dinosaurs, coloring, and trying to perfect his Wii skills on Mario. His November birthday means no kindergarten this fall, but instead he will go to preschool 4 days a week. He is adjusting well to his role of big brother. Zach has also been blessed with health this winter. A few colds, but no surgeries- he only kid without surgery under his belt this winter. (KNOCK ON WOOD!!!)

Zane is growing so fast. I cannot believe he's already half a year old! He also had to get ear tubes in December due to persistent infections. I am glad we took this step with him, as he more often than not has infection draining from his ears. If that was caught behind his eardrum, he would be one sad little baby. Zane is amazing- he is beaming and smiling 99% of the time. We have been blessed with all good babies- he is the happiest yet. Happiest does not mean the best sleeper, but happiest none the less!

Nick started his last semester of school last week- he should be done in May. Be on the look out for a party invitation! This is like graduating from college for him so there will be some serious celebrating to be had!

Me? I have been just treading water to keep up with everyone else. I really wish I had a maid so that I could spend more time snuggling little bodies, snapping photos, and relaxing- but where would the challenge be in that?

In the upcoming weeks we are looking forward to thawing out. Zane will be having another surgery later this month. Please pray for Zane's safety and a positive outcome. While this has me concerned please do not mistake, I am eternally thankful for all of our family's medical issues being minor and my children being healthy.

If nothing else, it's going to be an interesting year!