Yesterday morning we had an ultrasound at our doctor's office. The baby was super active and bouncing everywhere! In the moments that it held still we got all of the needed measurements and everything checked out perfectly. At the beginning of the scan doctor tried to check the gender and she, Nick, and I all thought we saw the classic "hamburger" sign of a girl. Resumed checking the important things (brain, heart, diaphragm, kidneys, tummy, ect) and then tried to take another quick look at "the goods." Doctor and I both thought we saw for just a second more of a "full" look, indicating a boy, but no matter how she changed views we couldn't see that again. All she could find was cord between legs. Going with the motto "if you can't find it twice, you didn't see it" we left fairly confident we were having a girl...
I called the elective ultrasound place and scheduled an ultrasound for a few weeks out. It's always fun to see baby and get good pictures, but being as blessed as I have been with easy pregnancies, I doubt we will "medically" need another ultrasound from the doctor. That is what is so great about these elective places. I scheduled out for a couple of weeks, but the gal scheduling offered to put us on the cancellation list. Then this morning, she called and offered a time this afternoon, so we took it.
Baby was much more cooperative today. The tech said "This is 110% a boy! No doubts or questions about it!" Again all measured perfectly. We joked that calling the baby "she" for 24 hours is what prompted it to show us it was not in fact a little girl. He also let us get a great 3D picture of his face. Bella is finding the switch from "probably a sister" to "definitely a brother" a little hard to swallow, but she will find in time there are advantages to being the only princess in the house, I'm sure of it.
We proudly present to you Baby BOY Smith!